1st Circuit of Longboard Feminine - Brazil

  • Boardmag
  • 19.10.2006

Circuit of Longboard Feminine 2006 Am 13.10. fand der zweite Stopp des Circuit of Longboard Feminine in Braslilien statt. Luis hat sich hierzu  Korrespondenz besorgt - den Bericht gibt es in Englisch und Portugisisch.

A previsão do clima era de temporal o que criou uma expectativa nervosa entre as pessoas que iam chegando á ladeira. Mas o sol, despertou com vontade de andar de skate e permaneceu firme e quente, muito quente na II etapa do 1º Circuito Feminino de Longboard.

The forecast of the climate had bad weather what it created a nervous expectation between the people who is arriving in the hill, but the sunshine waked up with will of walking of skate Longboard, very hot in the second stage of 1º Circuit of Longboard Feminine.

Asfalto fritando, rodinhas desgrudando e ladeira florida pelas skatistas brasileiras que a cada evento que é realizado, mostram o aumento de nível técnico sobre o skate e as articulações femininas na organização de eventos nesta modalidade em especial. No Brasil, tem muita gente boa, ladeiras fantásticas para o Downhill em todas as suas divisões, projetos de eventos magníficos, mas a dificuldade em dar continuidade aos trabalhos junto ao skate é o fator que mais complica todo o processo, seja como atleta ou como organizador.

Asphalt frying, wheels sliding, flowery road for the slide girls that to each event show the technician improve on skate and the feminine joints in the organization of events.
In Brazil, many good riders, fantastic hills for the Downhill in all its divisions, projects of magnificent events, but the difficulty in giving continuity to the works together skate is the factor that more complicates all the process, either as athlete or as organization.

Nesta etapa do circuito feminino, tiveram presentes na competição 14 meninas. As melhores do Brasil reunidas na ladeira insana de Alpha Ville, na cidade de São Paulo. Ninguém parava um só segundo, a energia entre as meninas era muito boa, todas no verdadeiro espírito do skate, for fun!

In this stage of the feminine circuit, 14 girls had been in the competition. The best girls of Brazil had been in the insane hill of Alpha Ville, in the city of São Paulo. Nobody stopped one second, the energy between the girls was very good, all in the true spirit of skate, for fun!

Mesmo com a competição iniciada, todas gritavam, aplaudiam e se incentivavam. Uma característica muito forte entre as meninas aqui no Brasil é a diferença de estilo de cada uma. Mas falando de competição Alguns fatores contam na hora da pontuação, como aproveitamento da ladeira, número de manobras, variações de frontside e de backside, velocidade, estilo e criatividade.
Laura Alli aproveitou bem o espaço da ladeira, com slides seguros e com uma boa dose de estilo, conquistando a segunda colocação. A carioca Christie Aleixo soube combinar muito bem todos os elementos que os juízes esperam de uma skatista, com uma boa variação slides, velocidade, e aproveitamento de ladeira, levando o caneco para a sua casa em Brasília.

The competition started, the girls screaming, applauding and stimulating the friends.
A very strong characteristic between the girls here in Brazil is the difference of style of each one. In the competition Some factors they count in the hour of the punctuation, as exploitation of the hill, number of tricks, variations of frontside and backside, speed, style and creativity.
Laura Alli used very well the space of the hill, with slides safe and one good dose of style, conquering the second place.
Christie Aleixo knew to combine very well all the elements of one perfect rider, with a good variation slides, speed, and hill exploitation, won the event.

Todas as meninas estão de parabéns. Todas participaram com muita vontade e consciência da importância de se unirem ainda mais para fortalecerem essa pratica esportiva no Brasil. Esse evento teve também a organização de meninas, Flávia e Mary, que deram muito gás pra realizar este sonho. Outros eventos hoje no Brasil também são organizados por mulheres, como o caso da Christie Aleixo, carioca que reside atualmente em Brasília.

All the girls are of congratulations, All had participated with much will and conscience of the importance of the union for evolution of the longboard feminine in Brazil. This event also had the organization of the girls, Flávia and Mary, that had worked very to carry through this dream. Other events today in Brazil also are organized by women, as the case of the Christie Aleixo, from Rio de Janeiro but that it lives in another city Brasília.

Results Longboard Feminino:


Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine


Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Circuit of Longboard Feminine

Correspondent in Brazil: Christie Aleixo, Bom Drop!
Pics: Diorandi Nagao

I would like to say thanks for Christie and Diorani "Didi" from Brazil.

Luis Lins


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