Heldenrennen 2006

  • Boardmag
  • 22.08.2006

Helden Rennen, IGSA-National Cup
11-13. August 2006

Thursday 11 of August
I left Zurich and met Bettina, Benny and Robert in Winterthur. This time the trip is not so far, short distance only 300km to Germany. We arrived in Helden at 23:00, it started to rain, we had a big fire going on and a lot of wood to burn between the days of the contest. everybody stayed outside for a long time, there's nothing to do in the tents, also the next day all the guys had to wait until the road would dry.

Friday 12 of August
Early rain a lot, chill on the camping ground until afternoon till the rain stopped.

The road had 1.3km, short and really narrow, few turns, one really nice combination between two turns, left turn after right turn. The road in the afternoon was still wet, little sunshine came through and helped us to dry the road. After 30 minutes perfect, the road had dried, few guys really like to ride standup in the rain or on the wet road, I hate this, for me no chance.

chill on the start line
wet start line
buttboard wet section
buttboad wet section
start dry the road

I did two runs warm up and later we stopped for lunch break.

lunch break
lunch break
chill out
chill out area

After the lunch break qualify times started, stand up men first, the best time in stand up men was from the Swiss Stefan Rüffli from Biel 1.20, the second best time from Bassi Haler, almost for finish the qualify from stand up men it started to rain, the organizers stopped the stand up and started the qualify from buttboard and streetluge. After finish the qualify from buttboard and streetluge everybody went to the camping ground.

huge qualify
huge qualify
huge qualify
huge qualify
yoyo qualify
yoyo qualify
yoyo qualify
yoyo qualify
roli hafner qualify
roli hafner qualify
roli hafner qualify
roli hafner qualify
stephan risch qualify
stephan risch qualify
bassi haler qualify
bassi haler qualify
adrien qualify
adrien qualify
adrien qualify
adrien qualify
swiss stefan rüffli the best time 1.20, qualify
bettina qualify
bettina qualify


Saturday 13 of August

Woke up early for the breakfast, really cold in the morning and wet. After a nice breakfast for the long day, we had to wait again till the road dried . Saturday we had much luck, rain stopped earls and the road dried, ready for racing . First warm up for everybody, few free rider runs, “stop stop stop” said the guy in the start line, “now we go to the race”

Sandra qualify
sandra qualify
Uta qualify
Uta qualify


The really narrow road was pretty small for 4 riders in stand up but funny.

On my first hit I met Ross the Boss from Canada, Ross is sooo funny. I’m sure Ross is American from U.S.A, not from Canada, everybody know this, come on Ross you're not a Canadian!!!

luis and ross
my first hit
luis lins
luis lins
luis and ross
my first hit
luis lins
luis lins and ross the boss

My second heat with Ross, Hack from Germany and Boris from Germany too, in the first corner or turn Boris crashed behind me, into me really bad, he did one bad fall, dont crash from behind into other competitors ....

Well for me the race whas finished, I know about IGSA rules, when somebody can’t drive safe, or crash behind others, this guy is disqualified, I spoke with organizers on the race, but nothing happened, really bad because this event is IGSA, need to follow IGSA rules. Well the small final Adrien, Ross, Roli and Boris, and the final Bassi, Yoyo, Stefan Rüffli and Huge.

After the final from stand up started the stand up woman, buttboard and streetluge, sure the free ride show can’t stop, everybody can do more runs, everybody had a lot fun .

bassi haler
bassi haler
roli hafner
roli hafner
stephan risch
stephan risch
luis lins
luis lins
small final
small final
small final
small final
small final
small final
friends, brothers from different mothers
small final
small final

After the race everybody waited for the party and this time Benny and Robert did really good show on the party, this guys are the best, I only can say Puou Puou Puou for this guys.

Sunday 14 of August

The last day everybody woke up late, still drunk from the hard party, after nice breakfast free riding was on, the day looked like nice sunshine early, well for me no chance, I packed my things because Benny, Bettina and Robert want to go early, only went to the course to say bye.

Well the next weekend I go to France for Izoard, when I back one more story.

Pictures 01 Bilder von Peter (Tau)
Pictures 02 Bilder von Andy (Musikfestival.net)

ciao I see you.
Luis Lins




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