Internationales Jochpass-Oldtimer-Memorial

  • Boardmag
  • 26.10.2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006Vom 14. - 16. Oktober fand das Internationale Jochpass-Oldtimer-Memorial statt. Zu diesem Anlass wurde der Jochpass Longboard Downhill abgehalten. Luis und seine Jungs von Fibretec waren mit am Start - hier ein kleiner Bericht über das Geschehen.

(Die Strecke am Jochpass)


Aki/Fibretec, Jody/Sector9, Ramon/Airflow and me/Fibretec left the Fibretec Factory on Friday at 12:30. There’s one thing to remember, never forget to check the fuel, our driver forgot to look at it and we spend almost 2hours inside the tunnel in Zurich/Switzerland without fuel.
Other thing, every time check if you have every page from the map, one page from our map was lost.
One way normally takes 3 hours in the plain maximum, this time we had 6 hours to JochPass, we arrived at 18:30 and the free ride on the first day was almost over, at least we done one run, special run in the dark hihihi but funny.


We wake up early and enjoy the great breakfast at 8:00 after that we checked the big machines, big motors and loud noise, sure a lots of people came to watch the JochPass, we did few really nice runs during the day between interval from the cars.
It’s a really nice road and track top speed on my GPS 74.3km h, we had few runs on wet road, after skating the first day we wait for the dinner and the big party with the water guns (really thanks Eimer for the water guns), we had lots of fun with water wars on the party,…. everybody wet. Everybody slept in the old Gym Sports centered, great, with bathroom and shower.


The last day, more people came up to skate and also more spectators, we enjoyed again a really nice breakfast in the morning, after the first warm up run, my legs had been well tired already, 7.9km is hard for the legs but good for the brain and the big smile on your face.
We all had a great time there, and the mission on the way here with our Bus
was worth it .
I would like to say thanks for few special guys,
Maaz and Brutsch for organize this free ride, Eimer for the water guns, Thilo and Mike for the Ewok-City.

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006


Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006

Jochpass Downhill 2006


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