Video from Semnoz

  • Boardmag
  • 31.10.2006

Semnoz in FrankreichHier ein neues exklusives Video aus der Longboardszene. Drehort war Semnoz, ein Berg in der Nähe von Annecy. Die Abfahrt dort lässt Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 120km/h zu...

This session was held at the end of June, when the days were the longer of the year, so we were able to ride until almost 10 o'clock.  We met at Semnoz, a mountain just next to Annecy. We ride a 6 km portion, very fast (120 km/h in streetluge on the fastest part), because the rest of the road has no good asphalt. The rest of the road will get new asphalt sooner or later, and this dayit will be a blast... As usual we met around 7 o'clock with the bunch or riders from Annecy and the area.

(Der Semnoz in Frankreich)

The riders that were there that evening were Adrien 'Adri' Barat (red leather), Julien 'Djul' Jeaneret (blue leather), David parent (the inliner that has filmed and made the video), Loic 'lol' Zaccaro, Florent 'Flo' Damico (filming on the motorcycle), Sylvain Choquet, Mica Tissot Rosset, Helene 'H' Schmit, and Yvon Labarthe (he loves so much this road that he's coming almost each week from Geneva to Annecy to join us during our sessions).

Congratulations to David that has filmed with very original angles, and very close from the 2 main riders, Adri and Djul. The video is heavy (220Mo for 4 minutes of images), but it is really killer images...


Link for video
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Perfect Ride

I would like to say thanks for David Parent and Helene Schmit.

Luis lins

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